RJ Pimentel Memorial Foundation

April 2024 Update

Hi friends!

Thank you for signing up for updates from the RJ Pimentel Memorial Foundation. We, as RJ’s friends from UC Berkeley, are striving to honor his legacy and continue his efforts in expanding STEM education to disadvantaged students around California. These emails will provide information on our work, share ways for you to get involved, and serve as progress updates along our mission.  

First and foremost, we are proud to announce that the first annual Rodney James Pimentel Memorial Scholarship is officially live! This is a $5,000 scholarship designated for an underprivileged student in California pursuing a STEM degree. 

Secondly, we are still fundraising for future iterations of the scholarship and we need your help! Currently, we have raised a little over $12,000, but we are hoping to reach $15,000 to be able to fund the scholarship in following years. Any amount that you are able to donate would be greatly appreciated as we strive to reach that milestone! You can donate at the link below — please share this with your friends, family, and greater community as well!

Lastly, we have been working with our partner organization, MESA, on volunteering opportunities to get involved in providing STEM resources to students and schools that lack proper access. There are three main ways we are lending our help, detailed below.

  1. Day of event volunteering at a MESA event

  2. Ongoing volunteering for a MESA school or center

  3. Building a relationship between MESA and our employers

As we further solidify our work with MESA, we hope to expand our circle of volunteers. For more information on how to get involved in one or more of those capacities, please reply directly to this email indicating your interest (or email [email protected]), and we will share relevant information with you in the coming months!

We hope to have your continued support and involvement as we collectively try to honor RJ and his legacy as best as we can. For more information on our efforts, please visit us at www.friendsofrj.org. Thank you and have a great week!

With love,

Friends of RJ

The RJ Pimentel Memorial Foundation

Sameer Hassen Prabhu, Jackson Goldman, Ryan Mitra, Justin Parker, Dilain Saparamadu, Rishabh Nijhawan, Ashwin Ramesh

(from left to right, at the UC Berkeley Phi Delta Theta Alumni Dinner, Nov 2023)